We are pleased to offer a variety of tools, white papers, presentations, and other resources that you may find interesting.
Is Incubation a Winning Strategy? Part I
Is incubation a Winning Strategy? Part II
This two-part white paper examines the effectiveness of business incubation as an economic development tool, and suggests steps to take in designing an incubator project that will produce results.
Sample Scope of Work for a Business Incubator Feasibility Study
This document lays out a comprehensive scope of work for a business incubator feasibility study.
Coworking - The Creative Spark
This is the summary piece we prepared for a coworking feasibility study. It contains a great deal of information related to coworking and has been frequently cited by others.
Algorithms, Assumptions, and Ignorance - Just How Good is Your Market Analysis?
This white paper offers an in-depth examination of problems associated with estimates generated in market reports generated by vendors.
Storemaggedon - The End of Retail as We Know It
The retail environment in 2016 is continuing to struggle. The new patterns that are emerging will have a tremendous impact on the commercial districts of our small towns, cities, and regions.
Understanding the Elements of Market Analysis
This short piece outlines the elements in a good market analysis.
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(262) 510-2131 | Wisconsin
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